Our Board & Staff

PWN Global functions with a skeletal staff and the enormous support of a dedicated team of volunteers.

As you can see from the profiles below, our Board is as diverse as our membership, featuring entrepreneurs and corporate professionals from across a wide range of industries.

Being involved in the running of a not-for-profit organisation can be one of the most challenging and rewarding activities that you will ever undertake. The sense of camaraderie that builds up between Board members ensures that solid lifelong relationships are forged that support professional and personal development on so many different levels. 

  • Stéphanie Tumba
    President View bio
  • Cherisse Muldoon
    Head of Events View bio
  • Cheska Witcomb
    Head of Marketing View bio
  • Dârini Vedarattiname
    Head of Engagement and Partnerships View bio
  • Nurcan Bilge
    Partnerships (Advisory) View bio
  • Dulcie Domfeh
    Head of Legal View bio
  • Florie Derouet
    Head of Leadership and Mentoring View bio
  • Minna Gonzalez-Gomez
    Head of Governance View bio
  • Hannah Proctor
    Governance (Advisory) View bio
  • Jasmine Tan
    Community Manager View bio
  • Sarisha Naidoo
    Head of Grants and Fundraising View bio
  • Ola Kotun
    Head of Memberships View bio

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